Dear 2018 Conferees,
Peace and grace be to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. On behalf of the West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC), as Chairman of the Board of Directors, I write to you to clarify some matters.
The current WCCCC Board of Directors, as of today, has six members: Ming-Yee Tsang (Chairman of the Board, myself), Paul Materum (Executive Director), Lue-Yee Tsang (Secretary), Erik Lui (Treasurer), and Tony Chan, nominated and lawfully elected at the 2018 conference; and Kwok Yeung Tsang, appointed from the 2018 Executive Committee by the Directors elected at the conference. The reason for which Dr Chan’s lawful election was not announced, back in December, was a confusion about the WCCCC Bylaws. In accordance with the Bylaws, however, his election at the conference has since been acknowledged by the rest of the Board. The Board continues to look for qualified members to fill in the remaining vacant seats – the two of three seats that can be filled by appointment – as stipulated in our Bylaws.
Since this December’s conference is to be WCCCC’s 50th Anniversary Jubilee Celebration, we authorize the conference’s Alumni Association (W4CAA) to run the whole conference this year; together, we are currently organizing working groups. These working groups will be directed by our Executive Director, Paul Materum; nevertheless, other members of the Board may contact you and invite you to join our working groups.
Any enquiries made about WCCCC should be directed to me (mingyee@thoss.cc). Only the Board and those acting by its authority may lawfully speak for WCCCC. Should anyone not on the Board claim to speak for WCCCC, I ask you to inform me as a courtesy.
Grateful for the providential guidance that God has bestowed on our ministry for the past five decades, and looking forward to celebrating with you this December, I am,
Yours in Christ,
Ming-Yee Tsang