Last year, at the Alumni Association’s annual Thematic Bible Conference in the summer, we finished our three-year study of the Gospel of Luke; this year, we will begin studying the Acts of the Apostles at the Thematic Bible Conference from 2021 to 2024. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we will hold the conference online again, as we did in 2020. The portion of Acts we will be looking at this year is 1.1–6.7, covering Gods mission to the Jews in Jerusalem.
As we make our spring update, we invite you to join us online this summer, and we shall soon announce whether the conference will be (1) around Memorial Day, 29–31 May, or (2) around Independence Day, in early July.
Our volunteers have been hard at work to prepare the conference’s several inductive Bible studies and other content, so we covet your prayers for their work, that the Lord may give them wisdom and perseverance.