WCCCC’s 2022 winter conference, now called the Kingdom Leadership Conference, will be held from 31 December 2022 to 2 January 2023, to the theme To Bear My Name Before the Gentiles and Kings 播我名於異邦人及諸王 (Acts 9.10–16).
For the first time, the conference will be held not at Mount Hermon Camp & Conference Center, as in past years, but at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center, San Diego County, California, an hour east of San Diego International Airport (SAN).
We will have both plenary and breakout sessions, but this is not a conference where we merely sit back and listen: central to our conference for 50 years has been group participation in inductive Bible studies, where we actively seek out what God has intended to convey to us in the Scripture passages we study together. In our workshops, too, come expecting to discuss the topics together as the Holy Spirit guides us by the light of his holy word.
This winter, we welcome people of various life stages (see our deal for reunions!) and all races and ethnicities, both male and female, to join us at the Kingdom Leadership Conference. We recognize that God has created the two sexes with distinct callings, man to work the earth and woman to be a fit helper to him. Nevertheless, we encourage both men and women to join us and grow in their ability to lead others to both faith in Jesus and the good works that he does in us, as Christ our crucified, risen, and ascended king crushes Satan under the feet of his Church (Romans 16.20).

The Rev. Steven Macias, one of our keynote speakers, is rector of St Paul’s Anglican Church, Los Altos, California, and also headmaster of Canterbury Christian School.
The Rev. Joshua Ting, one of our keynote speakers, is Executive Vice President and Associate Professor at GETS Theological Seminary, Covina, California, and was also a keynote speaker at the 2018 Hong Kong Bible Conference.
Richard Yen, MD and PhD in genetics, founding CEO of Fibroplate Inc. and holder of dozens of patents and several US government grants, is a founding leader of WCCCC.
Michael Yung, PhD in engineering and founder of UCLA’s Chinese Christian Fellowship in the 1970s, is a founding leader of WCCCC and a board member at Chinese Bible Church of West Los Angeles.
Eric Pak Liang, MABS, MBA, and PhD in engineering, YouTuber, strategy consultant, adjunct professor and IT manager, who served as WCCCC board chairman in 1979 and 1980, is a founding leader of WCCCC and a deacon at Peace Evangelical Community Church of Los Angeles.
Lue-Yee Tsang is a board member of WCCCC, a parishioner at Holy Trinity Fairfax, and a seminary student at Wycliffe College, whose degree summative paper compares 4th-century Church fathers Lactantius and Ambrose of Milan in their use of heathen moral exempla in Divine Institutes and On Duties (De Officiis).
Michael Yung will address the ‘once saved, forever saved’ controversy from a fresh biblical perspective that forms the foundation of a Christian’s assurance of salvation, the important biblical truth that a new believer needs to know as he embarks on the journey of kingdom discipleship.
Richard Yen on why Christians should, and how they can, support like-minded political candidates in a time when anti-Christian elements are in control of the government.
Eric Pak Liang on Christian leaders’ responsibilities in turbulent times.
Lue-Yee Tsang on how the history of the Church in the Roman empire can encourage us and broaden our vision for China and the West today.
On-site recreation includes archery, camp fire, and ball games.

A separate fee will be charged for some optional recreation activities; signup will be available after conference registration.
Conference Registration Fees
The 2022 Kingdom Leadership Conference’s registration fees will vary by whether you have a group rate. Fees will be as follows (speakers and their spouses and children attend for free):
Fee Type | Group Rate | By 13 December |
Student Rate | $160 | $190 |
Adult Rate | $230 | $280 |
This is for 3 days, 2 nights, 6 meals.
We offer a subsidized rate for groups of 5 or more, $160 (student) or $230 (adult). Register now (or, if you have already registered, just use the Edit Response link from your confirmation Google email ‘2022 WCCCC Kingdom Leadership Conference Registration’ to edit for the subsidized rate) by selecting the subsidized payment type and entering the names of the recruited registrants into the form field called Notes About Payment Type. Once we have confirmed that the people whom you have recruited have completed their registrations, we shall accept your payment at the subsidized rate (or refund you the difference if you have already paid).
If you have been unable to form a group of 5 but have recruited a smaller number (1 to 3 others) to register, enter their names and we will waive fees for the same number of recreational activities that are usually offered for a fee.
Thanks to a donor, we also offer a student subsidized rate, for 10 select students only, of $125. For more information about this student subsidized rate, please get in touch with Tony Chan by email: TonyChan [at] w4caa [dot] org.
Once you have registered, bring a friend along, too! We have a letter-sized (8½ in. × 11 in.) poster you can print out yourself and post on your own door:

Nota bene: Some college dormitories do not allow students to post things even on the outsides of their dorm room doors, but students are certainly free to post things inside their own rooms even if nowhere else.
Also available, for those who are able to print on tabloid-sized (11 in. × 17 in.) paper with a larger printer:

Hi Lue,
This is Connie from China Evangelical Seminary North America. I am writing to ask you about the 2022 Winter Conference: To Bear My Name Before the Gentiles and Kings.
I know that the registration time has passed. I and two other seminary students would like to ask if we would like to sign up for the camp. We got this information relatively late. I’m sorry! I know this wasn’t one of your planned situations.
May God bless!
Hi, Yee Tsang ,this is Connie again, my friend just flew back to Los Angeles from out of state, and we just got off the phone. I am grateful that she and her family came back smoothly. Because of the storm, their flight was cancelled. After several twists and turns, they came back safely tonight. Thank God for his protection. But her daughter is ill, she will take her daughter to see the doctor tomorrow, and take care of her next. We discussed and made the difficult decision to attend your next camp meeting. I’m really sorry! It’s a pity too! I look forward to attending again next time. I’m sorry to have brought you trouble and added to your work. Expect your camp to be greatly blessed and used by God!
Hi Connie,
Stay tuned for this year’s conference!