Theme: The Living Sacrifice of the Church
Despite the COVID-19 plague, the 2020 Winter Conference is still happening, 28–31 December (29 December to 1 January in East Asia); this year, however, participation is online. The 2020 theme will be ‘The Living Sacrifice of the Church’ (Romans 12.1–8).
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God, in the person of Jesus Christ, has shown mercy and justice to the whole world. By the work of God, many bodies become one living sacrifice to him, a Church holy and acceptable to God.

At the conference, we will be thinking not only about how each of us individually may present his own body to God, but also about how to offer up our bodies together as one living sacrifice of the Church, as the bride and body of Christ offered up to the Father in heaven. Christ, once crucified, is now risen and ascended, and stands for ever as a sacrifice to God. How can the lives of all Christians together, including our bodies, be joined to this one sacrifice, with the Crown of Thorns on our head, and like the Burning Bush on fire but not consumed?
Speakers and Workshops
As announced at the 2019 conference, our keynote speakers will be the Rev. Sam Tsang and the Rev. Dale Burke, about whom you can read more on our speaker page.
The following will be Sam Tsang’s sermons:
Sacrifices for the Announcement (Romans 12.1–2);
Community of the Announcement (Romans 12.3–8);
Public Relations of the Announcement (Romans 12.9–21).
And Dale Burke’s sermons, a three-part series called ‘The Humility Paradox: Climbing Down the Ladder to Success’:
Live to Serve;
Lead with Your Strengths.
We also have 14 workshop offerings in 7 sessions, about which you can find out more on the same page.
As in past years, we shall have sermons, Bible studies in three languages, and workshops in three languages.
This year, however, we are also offering a schedule for Los Angeles, New York, London, and Hong Kong time zones.
Also new are the Great Commission Forum sessions, at which conference participants will present and discuss ideas.