2020 Speakers and Workshops

This is the page for speakers and workshops at the 2020 West Coast Chinese Christian Conference. If you want to register now, please return to the main conference page.

Keynote Speakers

As in past years at the West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC), we have two keynote speakers, one in the morning and another in the evening. The morning lecturer shares with us his insights from the Bible’s wisdom, and the evening preacher challenges us to live by the word of the God by whose wisdom the worlds were made.

Sam Tsang, PhD (Morning Lecturer)

Sam Tsang (PhD, University of Sheffield, Biblical Studies), also known affectionately by his peers and students as ‘Dr. Sam’, is an adjunct professor at HK Baptist Theological Seminary and Ambrose University, Canada; he is also a full-time truth-seeker, author of more than 50 Chinese and English books, and family man. After two decades of full-time church ministry and academic teaching, he writes and speaks on topics he feels passionate about: biblical discipleship, spirituality, literacy, interpretation, and preaching. When he is not busy working, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing sports he loves (soccer, weight training, and martial arts). Please feel free to visit him at engagescriptures.org or write him at samtsang@engagescriptures.org for consultation, speaking, preaching, and coaching needs.

Dale Burke (Evening Preacher)

H. Dale Burke, Dallas Theological Seminary western alumni representative and adjunct professor, is an author and the founder of Leverage Leadership. Dale is a sought-after speaker who communicates biblical truth with clarity, enthusiasm, relevance, and a touch of humor as he addresses the practical issues of life and leadership. He and his wife Becky also serve with the Reach Global Africa Division, teaching leadership training and family life principles in six African countries.

Dale has 40 years of pastoral experience, including 15 years as senior pastor of a 6,000-member congregation in Fullerton, CA. At Leverage Leadership, he offers coaching, consulting, and leadership development to organizations here and overseas. He teaches regularly as an adjunct professor in the Doctor of Ministry program at Dallas Theological Seminary and loves encouraging DTS’s alumni. He has authored four books, including the award-winning How to Lead and Still Have a Life (Harvest House, 2005) and Different by Design (Moody Press, 2000) on marriage and the uniqueness of men and women.



Renewal of the Mind: How to Understand Contradictory Bible Passages
Michael Yung, PhD. Day 1 (28 December in America).
Does our mind matter to our faith? As Christians, we should not retreat to the antirationalistic mindset of postmodernism just to escape the onslaught of the rationalistic liberals. When we subject our mind to the lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible, we can handle all kinds of intellectual challenges to the Bible. The emphasis of this workshop is on both theology and Bible interpretation. It will demonstrate the framework and procedure to use in interpreting “contradictory” passages such as on Pharaoh’s hardening his heart/heart hardened by God during the ten plagues, and on the regretting/nonregretting of God concerning the kingship of Saul in the Old Testament.

Christian Mission in the Arts
Reagan Lodge. Day 1 (28 December in America).
Reagan Lodge is an graphic novelist from San Diego County, California. His work includes a wide range of fields, from freelance illustration, to comics, to serving in the Marine Corps. During his military time, Reagan served as a Combat Photographer, Personal Security Detail, Civil Affairs NCO, and a Combat Artist providing artwork for the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia. Presently he is working on a graphic novel under the working-title ‘WYIT’, and broadcasts frequent livestreams on Twitch.tv showcasing his creative process, hosting discussions with other creatives, and Q&A sessions with the chat audience. Reagan is an active parishioner within the Antiochian Orthodox Church. https://reaganlodge.com/

Managing the Risks of COVID-19
Winston Wong, MD. Day 2 (29 December in America).
Winston Wong is the founder of Joshua International Ministry and owner of Joshua Medical Group in Orange County, southern California. His medical practices are holistic, involving spiritual, physical, and mental care. He organizes a weekly Bible study in his clinic and supports his staff’s going on medical missions.

Finding Your Style from Head to Toe (Guys Only)
The Rev. Sam Tsang, PhD. Day 2 (29 December in America).

Reformed Political Theology and Wisdom for Leadership
Stephen Wolfe, PhD. Day 3 (30 December in America).

Leadership: How to Lead and Still Have a Life
The Rev. Dale Burke. Day 3 (30 December in America).

Biblical Ethics in Today’s American Politics
Eric Liang, PhD. Day 4 (31 December in America).
Ethics and politics: this seminar will examine three of the top ethical issues impacting US political scene today: abortion, gender politics, and racism. What does the Bible have to say on each of these? And how do we apply solid biblical interpretation principles to help us craft positions that are faithful to both evangelical values as well as scientific understanding?

Marriage: Love and Respect (How Men and Women Say, ‘I Love You’)
The Rev. and Mrs Dale Burke. Day 4 (31 December in America).


Reimagining the Hebrew Bible in Romans 12
Po-wei Chen. Day 1 (28 December in America).

Why and How to Offer Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices
George Shen. Day 2 (29 December in America).

The Origin of Adam
Richard Yen, MD, PhD. Day 3 (30 December in America).


Plants in the Bible
Peter Wong. Day 1 (28 December in America).
(1) Why study plants mentioned in the Bible? (2) Why not study plants mentioned in the Bible? (3) Resources available. (4) The land and its people (5) A land flowing with milk and honey? (6) Flowers of the field. (7) Fig tree and fig leaves.

Overcome Emotional Distress Exacerbated by the Pandemic and Presidential Election
Sam Ng. Day 2 (29 December in America).
2020 was recently described as the Worst Year Ever by TIME magazine. Why? On top of normal stress caused by daily businesses, we all need to bear with additional stress related to the pandemic and the election chaos. What can we do to better overcome common emotional distress, and to keep being physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy? Come to this workshop to learn using 3 basic steps, and practice 3 critical skills to improve your well-being!
2020年被不少人形容是最糟糕/失落/迷惘的一年。(Worst Year Ever/Year of Lost)
新冠疫情帶來許多不便和擔憂,總統大選帶來極大對立與猜疑,大家都承受著比過往更大的身心靈壓力 Stress,更容易被焦慮、抑鬱 、忿怒⋯等負面情緒所困擾!作為一位基督的門徒/信仰追尋者,當然有你自己的一套信念和方法,去保重自己,克勝這些生活壓力和困擾。同來這研習班,學習和溫習三個基要步驟和三個有效技巧改進自己的身心靈狀沅!
Sam Ng is a California Licensed Psychotherapist (LCSW). He is currently the Clinical Director of the Herald Family Center Counseling Services, a division of the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades Southern California Region, providing direct counseling services, as well as educational workshops and training seminars to local churches and community groups. In addition, he is a part-time lecturer of the North America China Evangelical Seminary, Logos Training Institute of Logos Evangelical Seminary, and Christian Leadership Institute, teaching family and youth counseling courses. He is a member and Sunday school teacher of First Chinese Baptist Church, Los Angeles. He is married and has a young adult son.

Biblical Ethics in Today’s American Politics
Eric Liang 梁柏恩, PhD. Day 3 (30 December in America).
Ethics and politics: this seminar will examine three of the top ethical issues impacting US political scene today: abortion, gender politics, and racism. What does the Bible have to say on each of these? And how do we apply solid biblical interpretation principles to help us craft positions that are faithful to both evangelical values as well as scientific understanding?